Mark and Roger from TIB are changing lives

Old boys Mark Tuttle and Roger Nicolin have gone above and beyond the call.

These two Knights have partnered with Northwood in not only offering two boys the opportunity to study at the School of Choice through the Support a Squire Initiative. They have also started an internship program in which they will mentor the two boys, teach them the ins and outs of the industry and possibly take them on board after school.

”Giving is not just about making a donation, it is about making a difference.”

– Kathy Calvin CEO United Nation Foundation

The Support a Squire initiative is intended to assist under privileged boys by giving them an opportunity to attend Northwood School. Boys with a variety of talents and demographics receive assistance through this initiative.

Having met with Mark and Roger, they expressed that the challenges the boys face can be met further and beyond just assisting them through school. What happens to these boys when they matriculate? What opportunities will these boys have after school?

These questions were then answered by the birth of an internship program. The boys will have numerous encounters with Mark and Roger. They will spend time in their office block where they will be exposed to the dynamics of the company. During this time, the boys will learn invaluable skills that will benefit them right through life.

At the end of matric, there will be with two employable Northwood Old boys that came from nothing and thanks to the generosity of Mark and Roger, have a future.

We salute you – Mark Tuttle and Roger Nicolin – True Knights supporting their community.

If you are interested in finding out more about the Support a Squire initiative and how the internship program works, please get in touch. +27715142525

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